Monday, June 1, 2009

I avoided this today

Well I figured I would post once more today after the video. It's my
friends birthday and her mom makes a killer lasagna. I scraped out the
primal ingredients and gave it a try and it was fabulous. I can't wait
to make my primal lasagna. I use steamed cabbage instead of pasta
sheets. I use it not very often but it kills the pasta craving and is
very tasty. I hit the gym today as well. Hoping to feel it tomorrow.
- Grok Star

1 comment:

  1. My shins are still killing me from jogging the other night. I'm hoping that I'm back to normal on Wednesday so I can go jogging again that night. I'm not going to make a blog concerning my exercise agenda, but I'm right there with you. I'm just doing it my style and not the primal style. It's the race to 300!
